Friday, March 1, 2013

Is it possible to create a facebook page automatically?

Q. The company where I work has a proprietary CMS and we would like it to create facebook pages automatically for each site that will be built on it.
Can I use the faccebook API from my site to automatically create a facebook page for it, without having to go to facebook from my browser?

A. yeah there actualy is a way im not too sure how but there is this program called exelbook that allows workers to secretly go on facebook from there desktop with it looking like a microsoft exel project.

Why did the creator of facebook create facebook?
Q. i just want to know the reason why he created facebook in the beginning. i have a facebook and love facebook but it isn't an addiction to me.

A. He wanted a way for all of the people in his college to communicate and stay connected. You should watch the Social Network, its the whole story of that.

What website can I go to where I can create a page and discuss whatever with people?
Q. I know I can create facebook pages and blogs, but most of those are hard to get random people to look at due to advertising faults of the site or the fact that only friends know about it. I am looking for a site that I can create my page, post what I want to post, and the site provides some sort of feature that shows your page to random people that come on to it.

A. I would suggest They have very many "sub-reddits" for certain topics, and there is a section called ask reddit where you can post your own topic and get feedback from the reddit community. I must warn that there are some posts on the site that are nsfw, or not safe for web, but they are usually clearly marked. Have fun.

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