Friday, December 28, 2012

How can I get troll emoticons for Firefox?

Q. I have seen troll emoticons all over Facebook, and I really want that so badly, so is there a firefox add-on?

A. Yes there is an add on. But I don't remember where to get it. Try doing a google search. Or you could learn the emoticons by typing them : :). XD, <3, or 0.o.

How do you get those Facebook emoticons like :yuno:, etc.?
Q. Everyone seems to have these emoticons on Facebook but I can't see them, just like :yuno: and :yes: and stuff. I have Firefox, apparently you can see them on here and Chrome, but I don't, is it an add on, how do I get it?


A. These...... ????

How do you get those funny emoticons on Facebook for your name?
Q. All my friends have them. You can get smiley faces and butterflys for you main Facebook Name.I need a link or a web page so I can get one of these so any information would be helpful!

A. You can google them, for example 'star symbol' and see what comes up, but once they realise, they'll probably take it off, seeing as its against their policy. They might not even accept the request to change in the first place.

If you're still interested though, there are some here:

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