Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Why is facebook stupid and not allowing the option of getting rid of timeline?

Q. There are many facebook users who do not like the new profile and are not able to get rid of it. This seems to be a good way for facebook to lose a lot of users. I mean if there are those who like this profile, good for them. I just think its retarded there's no choice to get rid of it after activating it. This just extremely pisses me off.

A. only facebook themselves could answer this question, but i'm sure they have their reasons

My facebook account was hacked. How do I talk to people that work for facebook?
Q. My ex Best Friend hacks facebooks by clicking "forgot password" & She hacked into my facebook and unfriended people. How do I talk to people that work for facebooK?

A. No way out. I suggest u to login in that account and deactivate it there will be option to tell facebook owners to tell ur account is hacked.

How a company can use Facebook to target a specific market for their Product/Service?
Q. Also, with Facebook, one can choose the demographics and target the marketing


Go their .. all the informations you need ..

Good luck and have a great day ..

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