Friday, March 8, 2013

How do I get my comment and like activity to not show up on my facebook friend's news feed?

Q. I'll post this question to the facebook help center as well. How can I get the little story off of my facebook friend's news feed? For example, when it says "Alex as commented/liked this group's picture". I do those things far too often and I've been unfriended by a few of my friends because of it. Please help! Thanks!

A. Hi,

Check this video. It's explain how to hide your activities from your friends.

Thanks, And i hope it's the best answer.

How can I contact Facebook, I tried using there website but they wont contact me back?
Q. My facebook account was hacked and the username was changed so i cant access my account. I used the facebook help center to tell them the account information but its been a week and they havent contaced me so i wondered if there was a phone number or email address i could use to contact them.

i found this on google search engine.. check it out
edit : not sure if this will help... response from other user's seems on the negative side... Good luck.

How can I ask a question on Facebook Community Forum?
Q. On Facebook Help Center,there is a section named "Community Forum". Here,people ask questions,or add an answer to a question. Does anybody know how to ask a question here?

A. Sure go to Face Book Help Center , find Community Forum, you willl find a list of topic pick the one you want, go to the page, find post your question and ask it, good luck

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