Monday, March 4, 2013

How can I start a children's Christian facebook page?

Q. I am trying to start a Christian out reach for 13+ on facebook. I do not even know how to add a badge, or how to start posting on it. Will Facebook for Dummies help me?

A. just follow the steps on this page, and it will all come naturally!

How do I insert pictures or video into the comments part of someone's post on Facebook?
Q. I see it is done, but I don't know how to do it. Can someone explain it to me in" Facebook for Dummies" terms? Not computer savvy, so as easy for me to understand, please.

Thanks for your help.

A. see upload in here you find it

Facebook, is there a web page called Facebook for Dummies?
Q. I have had a Facebook account for probably five years or more. I was on it maybe 2 or 3 times the first few days, was not impressed and ignored it for about 5 years. But for several reasons I have decided to get back into it. Is there a link that will take me and teach me how to use Facebook? About all I know how to do is log on.


A. Just log on and start using it. You will get prompts to ask what you want. If you want people to "friend" just search for them by name; there might be several people by the same name so you may have to figure out which is which.

I didn't expect to use it much and created an account out of boredom a few years ago. Within a few days I had people I hadn't seen in 30 years asking how I was and so on. I found some of my old musician friends and relatives I didn't even know.

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